How to Prevent Pool Algae
Nothing is like entering a pool of ugly green slime to ruin your pool day. Algae is a part of the natural environment, but not in your swimming pool. Do not be alarmed; preventative measures can be taken to prevent algae growth, and several actions can be taken to stop it once it has started. With the proper steps and a solid plan, you can maintain a clear, algae-free pool all season long. You will learn some industry practices to say Goodbye to Algae in your pool oasis.

Step 1: Keeping it Clean
Clean your filter: There are various filter types, such as D.E., Sand, or Cartridge filters. Keeping your filter clean is one of the first steps to keeping the slime away.
Brush Regularly: Algae loves to cling to surfaces. Several types of brushes can be used depending on the type of pool. You should brush your pool walls, floor, and steps at least once a week. Brushing your pool often will not only help prevent algae buildup but also help it stay clean.
Scoop the leaves: Whether you have a pool net or a vacuum system, a good cleaning session removes debris and any organic matter (leaves, twigs, etc.) that can feed algae growth. Aim for a cleaning session at least once a week, but depending on your area, this may need to be increased.
Step 2: Balance is Key
Check Your pH: There is no perfect number when looking at pH levels, but ideally, you want the pH level of your pool to be between 7.2 and 7.8. Test your water weekly with a test strip or a liquid testing kit. A pH decreaser or increaser is used to adjust the balance of your pool.
Calcium Hardness: We specialize in gunite pools, and the proper calcium hardness levels are 200-400 ppm. This helps protect your pool surface from damage caused by chlorine and can prevent algae growth.
Test Regularly: Like the pH test, test strips or a liquid testing kit can help you understand your calcium hardness better. Invest in a good pool water testing kit and test your water at least once a week. This allows you to catch imbalances early on and make necessary adjustments.
Step 3: Pool Shock
“Shocking” your pool is a common term in the pool industry. It involves adding a hefty dose of chlorine to kill bacteria, algae, and other contaminants. Plan to shock your pool once a week, especially after heavy use, rainfall, or if you notice any algae growth.
Chlorine Levels: Maintaining a chlorine level between 1 and 3 ppm is ideal. This ensures your pool has enough chlorine to kill algae effectively and prevent its growth in the future.
Step 4: Phosphate Control
Phosphate Feeds Algae: Phosphates are a vital nutrient source for algae, so it is crucial to remove them from your pool water. A phosphate remover product should be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Prevent Entry: Avoid using fertilizers near your pool. Clean up any debris from leaves, grass clippings, twigs, or bird droppings that could all contain phosphates.
Step 5: Maintain a Clean Surround
Debris: Keep leaves, twigs, and other debris out of your pool. A good pool cover can help prevent debris from entering the water.
Clean Equipment: As mentioned earlier, you should regularly clean your pool filter and skimmer baskets to ensure they function correctly.

Bonus Tip:
If you notice algae starting to grow, do not panic! Act quickly by brushing the affected areas, increasing your chlorine level, and contacting a pool cleaning expert for further assistance. With this plan, you can enjoy a sparkling, algae-free pool all season long!
Our designers are ready to make your backyard dreams come true! Visit our website or call us at 281-870-1600. We would love to answer and guide you in building the pool of your dreams.