Backyard BBQ Grilling Tools

Our Favorite Essential Grilling Tools

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If you are an amateur or an expert on the matters of grilling, keep in mind that barbecue cooking utensils and toolkits can vary in sizes and quantities.

The great majority of BBQ utensils come with the basics; spatula, tong and fork. It is very important to check the length – the longer the better.  This means that you won’t get burned while cooking your meal on the grill.  Usually, the minimum length is 12 inches.

Most of the BBQ utensils are not dishwasher safe due to its wooden handles, so it is important to check on that detail.

Let’s take a look at the basic tools:

The tong is the king of BBQ utensils.  It is an excellent device for flipping any food.  However, you can choose between a grip tong and a scissor tong.

The grip tong has, in many cases, a serrated surface that helps grip the food.  Chances of dropping it while turning it around or transferring it from the grill to the plate are minimal.  The fact that the serrated edges may perforate the meat, chicken or fish means that the juices can run out and, therefore, it will end up dry.

On the other hand, the scissor tong does not have a serrated surface.  Although it is not held with a grip, it is sufficient to do the job.  This means that your meats, poultry or fish maintains its juices for a delicious tender meal.

The spatula is a standard in any kitchen, indoor and outdoor.  In case of a grill, the head of the spatula itself comes in various sizes, good enough to flip burgers or turn around fish fillets without getting splattered in pieces.  But never ever use it to press down the meat on the grill.  This can drain out the juices and dry out the meat before it cooks.

In the case of the fork, it gets the least usage.  Its function as a stabilizing tool when turning large sizes of meat on the grill is more than enough.  Make sure you don’t use it to perforate the meat, poultry or fish.

Other Utensils:

Silicone Mop Brush – the updated version of this utensil is better than ever.  When it comes to basting food, the silicone bristles can hold more sauce than its antique version and is easy to clean.  The angle mop brush is the most versatile, ensuring that all the sauce goes straight to your food.

Meat Claws – this is the latest in an array of barbecue utensils.  They are excellent for turning large size meats (if you are using a pair of insulated rubber gloves) and for preparing pulled pork.  But don’t expect to find them in a Barbecue utensil kit.  Meat claws are sold separately.

On a final note, when you get these utensils, you may find them in a nice bag or in decorative boxes.  So it is a good choice to get it as a gift to give to a friend, or for yourself.