ice cream pool floats

Budget Friendly Pool Toys

In Games and Toys by Platinum Pools

During the Great Recession we’re all looking for ways to save money wherever we can. While they can be expensive, this summer you and your family can still enjoy pool toys without breaking the bank by buying some budget friendly pool toys. Don’t forget to take good care of them so that you can use them again next year!

•    Floats

Although they come in all shapes and sizes with all kinds of amenities, try to keep pool floats to the basics. Odds are that the $1.50 pool float is all you really need to relax or play hard. Although it may not sit up straight or have a cup holder, use this flat float to enjoy the cool water and the warm sun. Also, with a little imagination, these can be logs, alligators, whales, or even sharks!

•    Pool Noodles

These cheap pool toys can be used a million and one ways! Try using them as jousting lances, underwater balance beams, and floats.

•    Beach Ball

Never underestimate this cheap, but fun pool toy! Endless hours of fun can be had with this!

•    Floating Volleyball Net

While this may sound expensive, the floating alternative usually runs about $15.00 and works just as well as a semi-permanent set!