Swimming pool valentines day party

Valentine’s Day and Presidents’ Day – It’s the Long Weekend

In Party Planning by Platinum Pools

We are now on the second month of the year, and it is not only Valentine’s Day this Sunday, but the following day is President’s Day. What used to be a long weekend is now parents juggling work at home and ensuring kids attend school virtually. So now, what can a family do to enjoy the “long weekend”?

Long weekends represent planning fast. Kids can quickly get bored and complain. And what to do to have a romantic evening on Valentine’s Day? Many times, a swimming pool in a backyard is the answer. Create a romantic evening or games for the kids on President’s Day. We are proud that we gave suggestions for planning pool parties or activities involving an oasis in the past. Imitating Lincoln with a top hat, or Washington with a wig, or dressing in red, is not the answer. Instead, combine both holidays with a few activities suitable for everyone. 


Go low key this year! Using a waterproof tablecloth in red, pink, white, and blue colors do the trick. Not only are they economical, but reusable for other occasions. 

Planning Food

There is nothing that screams Valentine’s Day like heart-shaped chocolates. Other treats like brownies and party sandwiches are popular with children. In the mood for cooking outdoors? Create heart-shaped hamburgers or regular hamburgers with white cheddar cheese. How about including steaks on the menu? Marinate them the night before for a juicy steak or veggie skewers. 

Healthy snacks like cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and baby carrots with a dressing hit the spot.  

Pool Games

Ensure that children can swim and be accompanied by (at least) one parent. Here are some games appropriate for everyone:

Basketball and Volleyball

Basketball and volleyball are family-friendly, provide hours of active fun, and are great games in the pool. Best of all, it can be organized or not. Have teams and keep score or hit the ball and shoot hoops. 

The Invisible Bottle 

  • Take a 2-liter plastic bottle (wrapper removed) and fill it with water. 
  • Have two teams line up in the water at each side of the pool. Players must face away from the water. 
  • A person stands outside of the pool and throws the bottle into the water. 
  • The players turn around when they hear the splash and try to find the bottle. 

The transparent bottle blends in with the inlay of the pool and becomes invisible.

So You Think You Can Dance . . . In the Pool

What you’ll need:

  • Music
  • Pool lights (optional)
  • Props (optional)

How to play:

  • Have contestants or teams choreograph synchronized water dances to their favorite pop songs. 
  • Have waterproof props and costumes to make the “show” even more elaborate! 
  • Use pool lights to add pizazz this weekend!
  • Have your family and friends watch the performances and vote for a winner. 
  • Create different award categories, such as funniest, most original, and so on.


It is vital to have a safe environment in a backyard. Have a first aid kit and an artifact to induce breathing. Remember, children love to jump into a pool or run around the deck. 

We hope that with our tips, your Valentine’s/Presidents’ Day celebration is a success.

Remember that Platinum Pools is your place where we custom-build the pool of your dreams. Call us at 281.870.1600 or visit our website for a free quote