After permits and the approved design are ready, the next step is to start building the pool. In the first part of our series, we mentioned how vital a land survey is to ensure that the area is not interfering with any significant electrical power cables and plumbing pipes.
Now that construction on your pool is beginning, there is an enormous factor in starting a construction project, and that is having access to the backyard. Of course, we can build a pool in practically any yard but, without easy access, we must find ways to get the necessary equipment in your backyard to start building your pool.
Depending on the access to your backyard and the size of the pool, it will determine the equipment the builder needs to dig into the ground. Therefore, when the time comes, keep in mind the importance of access.
Laying Out the Pool
It is common knowledge that, before digging, construction workers must follow the approved layout, ensuring to match the allowed location.
Remember that the spot is the right one, especially when it doesn’t interfere with any utility connections and safe access for plumbing and electrical connections for the pool. The builders will mark out the area, while they add extra footage for the structure of the pool. In most cases, wooden stakes, strings, or spray paint will be used to mark out the layout of the pool.

Access to the Backyard
For many professional builders, they will encounter situations of having varying access to a backyard. The best possible case is to have a wide-open area from the street to the backyard. It is prevalent in rural areas while it is rare in urban communities. Examples of fully open access might be a suburban corner lot, a yard adjacent to properties such as parks or just having about 15 feet of free space between two houses that leads to the patio. To consider access as a “wide open” category, it must be at least 14 ft wide and 14 ft high. However, keep in mind that the roof overhang may limit the height of the entrance. This type of ‘wide open’ access allows us to use more equipment and adds less to the cost of inground pool installation.
Another access size is a continuous path (also known as “single loader”) at least 9 feet wide and 14 feet high. The single loader access allows using a large excavator and a small loader to bring the dirt to the dump truck.
On the other hand, tight squeeze access (6 feet wide by 10 feet high) requires for a mini excavator and a small loader. However, smaller equipment equals more time excavating.
If the entrance to a backyard measures less than 5.8 feet wide by 10 feet high, then it requires very specific equipment. It can slow down the excavation process, and it may need special machinery to dig on the land. Lastly, there are properties that, unfortunately, do not have access at all. It is possible to install a pool hand digging the pool which takes more longer and is more expensive.
Our series continues in May where we will cover plumbing check out part 3 of our series in May. Meanwhile, we invite you to visit one of our offices in Houston, Beaumont or Victoria and check everything that you need for your swimming pool and backyard. You can also call us at 281.870.1600 or fill out our free quote form on our website for more information.